Issue #8: "Moving Day"

Story: Giffen & DeMatteis
Art: Maguire & Gordon
Cover Price: $ .75
Cover Date: December 87
Length: 17 pages + 6 page Back-Up Story

Members: Green Lantern (Guy Gardner), Black Canary, Mister Miracle, Oberon, Maxwell Lord, J'onn J'onz (Martian Manhunter), Blue Beetle, Batman, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Rocket Red (#7; not pictured), Catherine Cobert (not pictured)


Opponents:  none

New Members: Catherine Cobert

Featuring: Dr. Mist, Belphegor, Jack O'Lantern, Tuatara

First Appearances: Catherine Cobert



        This issue basically just follows the League as they move into their new embassies throughout the world. In New York, the Martian Manhunter, new team leader, oversees the League's installation into their US embassy in a slightly run-down tenement building. Captain Atom and Mister Miracle, along with Oberon, help. Mister Miracle nearly destroys the building when he attempts to land a new shuttle, donated by S.T.A.R. Labs on the roof, causing it to cave in.
        In Russia, Batman and Guy Gardner, still in his altered state, along with Rocket Red, oversee the process of moving into an embassy there. Batman discovers listening devices, apparently planted by the KGB or some other Soviet organization and brings them to the attention of the bureau chief there.
        In Paris, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle take in the sights as they're supposed to be helping Black Canary set up the embassy there. While still in the city, Booster tries to pick up an attractive woman only to later find that she is the League's Bureau Chief, Catherine Cobert.
Back-up Story:
    "Old News"
        Story: Giffen & DeMatteis            Art: Giffen &Gordon
        With the sanctioning of the Justice League by the UN, there no longer seems to be much use for the Global Guardians. Dr. Mist, Belphegor, Jack O'Lantern, and Tuatara, of the Global Guardians, are present at their HQ, the Dome, to disband the team. Jack O'Lantern is upset by all this and throws a temper tantrum. He leaves and says, "It ain't over yet."
Things to Watch:  
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